One in seven. So the proportion of humans who have logged in to Facebook Monday, August 24. The famous social network announced it had passed the billion mark record of users on the same day.
"When we speak with our funding, we use averages, but this time it's different, welcomed the founder of the platform, Mark Zuckerberg. This is the first time that we reached this milestone, and this is just the beginning of linking the world. "
A network increasingly mobile
The figure, impressive, is in the continued growth of the platform, attended by 600 million users in September 2012 and more than 950 million in June. In detail, these are mixed connections from a mobile or who have made the most progress, as noted by US investor Benedict Evans.
The total number of active users of Facebook on mobile rose from 189 to 581 million in early 2013 to early 2015
More than a quarter of users in Asia
In detail, it is in Asia that the social network has increased the most (+ 6.7% just in the first quarter 2015), as well as Africa and Latin America (+ 6.5%), while its continued growth to a more moderate pace in North America (+ 2.5%) and Europe (+ 3.7%).
According to figures as at 31 March 2015, Asia is already the continent most connected to Facebook (270 million daily users), far ahead of Europe (225) and North America (161).
Facebook is now focusing on emerging countries to develop. This is the meaning of last June launched Facebook Lite, lighter version of the site and thought applying for small connections, or the mammoth project of satellite to 500 million, finally abandoned in June and was to encourage Internet access in developing countries.
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