Besides the known improvements (a smarter Siri or a new application to follow the news), upgrades of discrete dot the latest operating system of the firm at the apple.
After several beta versions and moult expectations IOS 9 was released this week. Obviously, Applemaniaques are thrilled and Applephobes chuckle. But whatever your board, the firm Apple has agreed to work for her beautiful new baby. An improved version of Siri on tap include, taking a more effective notes, or a new application to follow the news. Many beautiful things that Apple has plenty statement.
But some smaller improvements are also implemented. Sometimes small details, but that can change everything. Atlantico told you.
1 - One can understand why the battery discharges as fast
Those who constantly ranting in front of their empty battery for three quarters will smile again.
The new iPhone offers an opportunity to understand what discharge your phone, and in what proportion. In addition, a power saving mode has been added. Below 20% of non-essential services will then be disabled to prolong battery, up to three additional hours. Several other smartphones are already equipped, but better late than never ...
2 - A special report selfie
They will seem unbearable? Yet there are millions, if not billions. Who? People who make seflies. Yes, nowadays, not really a phone used to call but especially to take pictures. Malin, pampers selfies Apple enthusiasts by offering a dedicated folder. In fact, one will find in this file all the photos taken in "front".
3 - A real difference among upper and lower case
Keyboards Apple devices using iOS included an annoying detail: it was difficult to differentiate between the uppercase lower case, letters are always displayed in capitals. Yes, it was only a detail, but Apple decided to deal with now offer a clear distinction between the two modes.
4 - Security Cap
While mobile phones are regularly under fire from critics for their lack of security, Apple has decided to beef up its defenses slightly. Security has been enhanced with a password from 4 to 6 digits. Another modification, iOS 9 incorporates two-factor authentication: If you connect to your iTunes account with a new device or Web browser, a code will be sent to you to be certain it is you.
5 - No more "Shake to undo"
It was supposed to be a revolutionary setting ... but that quickly cooled the fans. "Shake to undo" to cancel an action when shaking the phone. Funny, but especially unnerving because many users would activate without purpose. And that was not an option ...
Apple has restored the balance of force: it will be now possible to disable this option evil.
6 - Search parameters
You find a setting ... you know it exists, it's there .... But damn, where he is? No panic, Apple (finally) introduces a mini-search engine for the parameters.
7 - Knowing the public transport time
With the Maps app (Plans), it is now possible to view the schedules of public transport (buses, trams and metros) from several cities (New York, London, San Francisco, Berlin or Shanghai). It was no longer the case since 2012 and the end of the partnership between Apple and Google Maps.
8 - Back entre Apps
You are on Messenger, then a movie application and on Facebook before doing a little jump on Twitter. But you forgot something on Facebook! No stress, Apple has thought about adding a button in the status bar to return to what you were doing just before.
9 - Switch to Desktop Mode
We've all been there. It surfs a site, and then suddenly everything becomes slow, everything goes wrong, and the crisis of nerves stalking you. What for? As the site on which you are still planned for conventional computers, not mobile phones. A magical shortcut has been added and can enter the "desktop".
10 - Multitasking on iPad
It was highly anticipated, it is present. Multi tasking is now fully operational on iPad with Split View that allows iPad users to view two windows side by side to gain in flexibility. There are also picture in picture, or slide Over that opens a second application without leaving the one you are.
11 - Normal sized files
Curiously, the interfaces of the home screens were all the same regardless of the device used Apple. The Cupertino company has now fixed this error by adapting the formats. For example, records of iPad applications ridiculously small before, are now much more readable.
12 - You can now attach all types of files
Everything is in the title: it is now possible to attach any file type, not just images. Again, a handy new.
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